Architecture culture and history 1 is where we get to learn about the culture and architecture style of the past periods. We have learned about the culture and the buildings of the New Stone Age till the Rococo style. The class is separated into groups of 5 and are assigned to different building of different architectural styles. Projects are done to deepen our knowledge on our assigned building.
- To introduce basic architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships.
- To creatively and innovatively develop and expand the design concept derived from the precedent study analysis.
Part A: On-line Group Forum
This is a project where each group are to tackle five questions on the building we are assigned to. My assigned building is Salisbury Cathedral, London. It is built in Gothic style.
The question I answered:
i. What were the materials and construction technology or method used?
ii. How the materials and construction technology or method help making the building historically
significant and meaningful?
Through cooperation with each other in our group, we were able to find as much information as we can on Salisbury Cathedral to answer the questions without repeating the information. We were also able to learn more about the history and background of this building as well as the architecture style it was built in.
Part B: Precedent Study & Comparative Analyses Journal and Comparative Analysis Report
For this project, we were to make a sketch journal on our building. Sketches and diagrams are to be drawn into the sketch journal and a total of 500 words have to be written.
We are to do in-depth precedent analyses that include the accounts listed below:
- Related illustrative Architectural Historical Timeline in chronology order that highlights and explains the standing of the case study in Architecture History.
- With reference to the timeline generates comparative analyses of the case study with the before and after architectural style.
- With reference to the timeline explain the technology development and advancement related to the case study.
This project allows us to learn more about the differences of the architecture style before and after the Gothic style (Salisbury Cathedral). We are also able to learn more about the characteristic and technologies used Gothic styled buildings.
Part C: Analysis Presentation Board
This project is where we have to place what we have learnt about on Salisbury Cathedral in the previous projects into an A2 board. We have part A and part B to answer, part B has five questions where each member of our group has to choose one to answer.
The question I chose:
A. Answers to the Precedent Study Analysis questions below:
- How does the building reflect the spirit of the time and place for which it was built?
- What are the initial ideas and the design concept?
- How the initial ideas and the design concept affecting the architecture?
B. Illustration of Precedent Study Analysis in relation to the series of building conceptual elements listed below – each student is to select and conduct analysis of one element from # 1 to 5 and to synthesize the design concept Partí of # 6.
2. Building massing analysis (i. Material and Structure- geometry of making, ii. Geometry
alignment/anthropometry/social geometry/ideal geometry)
6. Partí - Culminates and Summarizes (i. gesture, ii. essence, iii, dominant idea, iv salient
characteristic of the building)
This project has allowed me to understand Salisbury Cathedral in depth through research and analysis. I have also learnt how to communicate concepts and ideas through drawings and diagrams.